About Me

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Awrite! This is really just a blog for all my artwork to get put on really. Uni work and probably some side projects. My drawings now have a home! Beast :) joybrammer@hotmail.co.uk

Sunday 26 June 2011

Taught myself some Maya work. Well happy!


got a wee man to jump! built the skeleton and whatnot and he actually jumps! :D
would recommend this tutorial, its very good :)

Sunday 22 May 2011

Monday 16 May 2011

Maya Screenshots

Possibly the one im going to handin - if bloggers still not bugged.

i have no idea if this onewill be the right one or not
but just to be certain on what ones gawni be my final, click on the title of this post and it should take you straight to it.
again, silly blogger.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Maze game ;)

BLOGGERS GOTTA BUG! - the thing displayed ISNT my maze, click the heading to cleck that out
whats playing right now is the post below this one, god knows why.
heres a link to it aswell http://megaswf.com/serve/1113970
silly blogger.
Properly just the bones of this, and yes it looks really simple
but i taught myself how to do it, so im very proud - it will look much better soon :)