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Awrite! This is really just a blog for all my artwork to get put on really. Uni work and probably some side projects. My drawings now have a home! Beast :) joybrammer@hotmail.co.uk

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Curiosity Inspiration

Abandoned Mental Asylum
Hellingly - Abandoned Mental Asylum

After coming across this page on the internet, i was looking at the photos and thinking "thats just, the complete perfect place to go exploring!"
I scrolled down and read the 1st line that was written. It seemed to fit perfectly.
Reading about the history of the place and connecting it with the photographs made me think about what my reactions would have been if i had experianced it for myself.
How would it have affected me?
"If the walls could talk within Hellingly, could you imagine the tales you might hear?"

Realising how much this intrested me ive expanded my search through some more of the Abandoned Mental Asylums and their stories.
Expanding my imagination with it.

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