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Awrite! This is really just a blog for all my artwork to get put on really. Uni work and probably some side projects. My drawings now have a home! Beast :) joybrammer@hotmail.co.uk

Sunday 7 November 2010

Curiosity Inspiration

Lost Prophets - Everyday Combat

To me, this song is about living dangerously.
Getting into fights, doing things you shouldn't.
About living it up and not caring about authority. "Dancing in the DMZ".
The way i'd imagine a music video for this song would be dark alleys, fire, fighting, grafetti etc.

The link i made for this as inspiration for my 'Curiosity' was going down the road of rule breaking to find out what's beyond the boundries.
"Walk on, streets on fire. Caged in with razor wire. Shot down, living in the DMZ."

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